There are three types of minor scales in music theory. Each of these scales produces a different sound, but all are anchored by the minor third scale degree, which gives the minor tonality its recognizable sound.
The natural minor scale is the most common minor scale, and the default when a musician refers to “a minor scale” or “minor.” The natural minor scale pattern features the same exact notes as the Aeolian mode in modal music.
The harmonic minor scale is derivative of the minor scale where the seventh scale degree is raised by a half step.
The melodic minor scale is a minor scale with raised sixth and seventh scale degrees, but only when ascending. A descending melodic minor scale is identical to a natural minor scale.
Hope this helped!
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Flashback will be used to convey unseen thoughts to the current and momentary occurrence in the play. This will aide the context and contents projection of the play.
Flashback is an indispensable part of any artistic writing or project as it gives energy, meaning, comprehensive review and intentions to any work of arts