Anti-miscegenation laws were a part of American law since before the United States was established and remained so until ruled unconstitutional in 1967 by the U.S Supreme Cort in Loving v.Virginia . The term miscegenation was the American Civil War, by American journalists to discredit the abolitionist movement by stirring up debate over the prospect of interracial marriage after the abolition of slavery. In those of the original Thirteen Colonies that became states and enacted such laws, they were enacted as state law in the early 18th century; a century or more after the.complete racialism of slavery.
There are three types:
-Patriotic poetry
-Anti-war poetry
-Witness poetry
Patriotic poetry usually honors soldiers who fight in defense of their countrymen and to bring peace.
Anti-war poetry depicts war as a source of misery and shows futility of soldier's deaths and sacrifices they make.
Witness poetry is written by those, who were not fighting, but nevertheless experience war first hand. It is usually written by civilians.
The oversized trophies create irony because readers expect that they are for winning , not participation.
character traits of Mrs. Gleason
Poor Sally spent all night at the police station getting the third <span>degree.