Fearing that Manco Capac II's son, Túpac Amaru, and the few remaining “free” Incans in Vilcabamba and the forests north of Cuzco might prove dangerous to Spanish authority, Toledo ordered Spanish troops to invade the area and capture Túpac Amaru, which led to Amaru's beheading in Cuzco in 1572.
Answer: increasingly regulated them
After the British took over the then New Amsterdam in 1664 and renamed it to New York, they took away the privileges that certain people in society had enjoyed such as women and black people.
In the case of black people, they removed many of them from the skilled jobs that they had and made slavery legal a year after they arrived. Some decades later in 1712 they clamped down even harder on enslaved people and limited their movements in the city and even sometimes refused white people from releasing them.
Tree rings are annual growth rings and their thickness indicates how growing conditions were for that year. Index fossils in their type and frequency are indicative of the environment that those organisms grew in and how prolific life was then in that environment. Ice cores drilled through glaciers and ice sheets like in Antarctica tell us about such things as the concentration of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (as bubbles in the ice layers) and also about climatic conditions in glacial and interglacial periods.