A.) Lack of education. To me still has a little to do with the problem but is better than any other choice out of the selection.
The Oregon Trail was a roughly 2,000-mile route from Independence, Missouri, to Oregon City, Oregon, which was used by hundreds of thousands of American pioneers in the mid-1800s to emigrate west.
The correct answer is 3<em>) The plan resembled the British system of government</em>
The Philadelphia Convention is seen as one of the most important events in US history. By the end of the convention, all 13 colonies had agreed to a Constitution that would set the basis for the young country.
However, the convention is a long process with delegates from all over the country presenting their own vision and plans for how the country should run.
Alexander Hamilton's plan was based on a strong federal government and a lower and upper house. Lower house would be elected directly by the people, while the upper house would be composed of officials chosen by the elected members.
The plan was quickly dubbed as the "British Plan'' since it closely resembled the governance system of Great Britain. It was soon rejected by the convention on these basis.
When Napoleon III became emperor in 1852, Paris was the biggest city in Continental Europe. It was the center for commerce, fashion, art and finance. It has beautiful buildings but these were surrounded by slums. Napoleon III began to solve the main problems of the city: the water shortage, overcrowded slums, sewer system and the narrow roads, making Paris the most beautiful city in Europe.