either B or C.. but I'm really strong on B sorry if im wrong this is just my opinion
I think the answer would be B because if you co-sign and that person don't pay their part.. it falls on you because toy are the second party and the co-signer
but I also think it would be C a little too because if that person not paying they part it could put a dent in yours credit score because y'all co-signed together
Answer : When a raw egg is placed in vinegar then it dissolves the shell of egg and makes it a naked egg.
Explanation : The shell of the egg is made up of calcium carbonate and when placed in vinegar which is mainly made up of acetic acid, dissolves the outer shell covering of calcium carbonate and makes the egg naked. This makes the raw egg bouncy in nature.
The popularity of automobiles has led to the construction of super high ways
</span>Ordinary Americans inspired New Deal because of
these aspects; they created jobs and the unemployment dropped from 25% to 14%,
they also restored confidence in the banking system. They Gave people hope with
his confidence and his fireside chats and created agencies that have prevented
another Depression (FDIC, Social Security).
</span>The reason why their progress is hinder is because
of negative aspect like; the raised taxes to pay for programs, deficit spending
- country went into debt and some of his programs (AAA, NIRA) declared
unconstitutional. The New Deal did not
end the Depression - preparing for WW2 did.
Minorities left out of many ND programs.