It enables photosynthesis by facilitating primary growth of the plant
A fall in temperature can also adversely affect cell and cell membranes. At low temperatures, the phospholipids' fatty acid tails are moving less and stiffer. This reduces the membrane's overall fluidity as well as reduces its permeability and perhaps limits the entry into the cells of vital chemicals like oxygen and glucose. Also, low temperatures can impede cell development by preventing cell size expansion.
In severe cases, such long term exposure to sub-freezing temperatures, fluid in the cell can start solidifying and can form crystals that breach the membrane and destroy the cell.
Fear is a barrier as people fear being judged for things as there might be a stigma attached to it. When people are judged their problem isn't solved and instead worsened and they will feel compelled to keep their problems to themselves.
From top to bottom, the vertebrae are:
Cervical spine: 7 vertebrae (C1–C7)
Thoracic spine: 12 vertebrae (T1–T12)
Lumbar spine: 5 vertebrae (L1–L5)
Sacrum: 5 (fused) vertebrae (S1–S5)
Coccyx: 4 (3–5) (fused) vertebrae (Tailbone)
You decrease the kinetic energy by either stopping the object and let it rest (which would give it potential energy) or like the other person said by changing the slope