Processes of rock formation : Erosion & weathering, dissolution
Rocks are naturally occurring solid mass, or aggregate of minerals / mineraloil matter.
Processes that form rocks :
- Erosion & weathering - breaks down mountains & boulders into sediments
- Dissolution - Chemical weathering, acidic water wears away stones gradually
Limit the number of nets that can be used per area or day
Limit the number of fish that can be caught per day
one out of these two could be the answer but I have a strong feeling the limiting the number of nets that can be used per area or day
They work like a lock and key. Each enzyme is designed to fit into a specific substrate. Well let me start by explaining what an enzyme is and then a subtrate. An enzyme is a protein that speeds up the chemical reaction in a living organism. An enzyme acts as a catalyst for specific chemical reactions, converting a specific set of reactants called substrates into specific products.