You must give credit to the source of your information on a written document or an oral presentation, to do otherwise would be to commit fraud. The offense is titled plagirism. It means you have taken anothers property (their knowledge) and presented it as your own rather than giving them credit for the information. Simply re-phrasing an idea may or may not be enough to rise above the offense but its best to stay on the up and up.
helping to keep the city safe
Answer: This is an example of a Slippery Slope.
Welcome, Brainlest
"You are only opposed to welfare reform because you are rich."
hope this helps
20) c and a
21) b
22) a
23) c
24) a
25) stamp act
26) The present United States Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation on March 4, 1789.
27)No central leadership (executive branch)
28) Congress had no power to enforce its laws.
30) religion,
31) press,
32) assembly,
33) the right to petition the government.