law of original horizontality
law of superposition
law of original lateral continuity
law of cross-cutting relationships
They had a lot of stuff to do in other places and just to make things worse, there Arch Enemy was on their a$
King Philip II
He had loved portraits. During his reign, Philip II created a golden age for the arts at that time. He asked for self-portraits and portraits of his many wives to reinforce his authority to the Spain people.
Louis XIV
Louis was a very controversial king because he used to care more for the arts than for the government matters. In contrast with Philip II, Louis's interests were focalized in the architectural legacy. One of his many masterpieces is the Champs-Élysées boulevard in Paris, France.
D. Filing for a discharge petition
The best course of action for the congressman to take is 'the filing for a discharge petition'.
Normally, when a bill is introduced by a member of the House of Representatives, the speaker sends the bill to the relevant committee who then deliberate on it, seek expert advice etc. After the deliberations, the bill is then sent to the house for debate and possible voting for onward movement to the senate if passed by the majority.
In the event that the bill is stalled in the committee, the sponsor can file for a discharge petition. A discharge petition involves bringing out a bill from the committee that has spent at least thirty (30) days, without waiting for a report from the committee. To successfully file for a discharge petition, the sponsor must garner at least two hundred and eighteen votes (218) votes which is a clear majority.
Yes i believe that is true