“They tied me up, then, plumb / amidships, back to the mast, lashed to the mast, / and took themselves again to rowing.”
Heroes, role models, and leaders have potential to serve both enhancing and moral modeling functions. Heroes may provide a protecting function beyond that of role models or leaders. Overall, heroes are more likely to help, save, protect, make the world better, and do what no-one else will than leaders or role models
The given excerpt is an example of convergent thinking. Convergent thinking is a process in which an individual seeks a concrete solution to a problem they are given. There is only one best solution to the task, and the point of convergent thinking is to discover that exact solution. Many tests used in education include multiple-choice questions, math problems, spelling exercises, and similar tasks, which are all questions that test the process of convergent thinking. In the given example, Shana is looking for an exact image of the tree she is standing next to, which is a task that includes convergent thinking.
The opposite of convergent thinking is divergent thinking, which includes the exploration of multiple possible solutions in order to create ideas.
Euphoria is a Netflix series.