<span>This is target marketing. In this concept, the business or industry goes after certain segments of the overall market, forgoing other groups who may not take an interest in the products or services the company is selling. Dollar General, in this instance, is "targeting" those people who may not have as much money to spend on products as people who are more financially secure.</span>
I don't think the Norse are from Russia. Tell me if I'm wrong.
William Dunbar, ‘To the City of London’.
London, thou art of townes A per se.
Soveraign of cities, seemliest in sight,
Of high renoun, riches and royaltie;
Of lordis, barons, and many a goodly knyght;
Of most delectable lusty ladies bright;
Of famous prelatis, in habitis clericall;
Of merchauntis full of substaunce and of myght:
London, thou art the flour of Cities all …
Jgj,gj,g gkglk gblgllbgnhot gipuj;ob;imjbb,v mb ,mk;wirhgf eh g;khadv gk;hew g;hwr ;kghr kgh wrk;gj brwhgkh w;rg;wrkjg ;krjhgkhfgigioghigifhhfghghhghghghghghghghghhgghghghhhhahahahahahahahhhahahahahahahahahhahahahhahhahahahahahah
Yes it is a noun because the needle not taking place