Increased suburbanizationvresulted from the
construction of the interstate highway system.
Trading helped them rise since they were immensely rich in things like Salt which was even worth more than gold in many parts of the world. Having secure trade routes and taxing traders made the country rich and powerful. This led to the decline since such wealth meant that many foreign enemies would want to attack them and take it from them which is what happened to both Mali and Songhai empires.
According to the U.S. Constitution, the federal government has limited powers, while the states retain most powers not expressly given to the federal government.
Athens was one of the first Democracies/Aristocracies- government ruled by the people, or assembly. Officials and leaders were elected and all citizens had a say. Democracy in Athens was started largely thanks to the philosopher and politician Pericles. ... Democracy in Athens was a direct democracy. In a direct democracy the people decide on the policy initiatives directly. The major decisions of the state were made by general assemblies in which all citizens could participate People started protesting for rights and more around the time Athens Established Democracy.