Possibilities are endless
The world is endless
So take a possabilitie and make it happen
There is a possabillitie the world can end so smash your dreams
Suceed in dreams
Im only good ate poems
The first one. On June 1 2016, my cat was born, but she still acts like a kitten.
There should be a comma behind 1. Here is what it should look like. On June 1, 2016, my cat was born, but she still acts like a kitten.
It's because Autumn can have many meanings in literature. It can be seen as maturity and wisdom. It can be seen as old age, but before sickness and death, the harvest of a lifetime of learning.
<span>It can also mean the coming of the cold, of sickness, of hunger and lean times. In poetry, especially, Spring is associated with youth and new, budding life. Summer is the pinnacle of life, when you are older, but still young enough to have family, success, etc. Autumn is often the time of retirement, but you have a sense of fulfillment, richness, wisdom, freedom. Winter is old age, illness, the death of loved ones and, ultimately your own death. </span>
here you go
Nervous can describe someone's personality: a very nervous manis often or usually nervous; a worried manis worried on a particular occasion or about a particular thing. Worried describes his feelings, not his personality. easily worried or frightened She was a thin, nervous girl. He's not the nervous type.