Drafting means to brainstorm and make the first copy. Then you edit using steps B, C and D.
I have a couple things that I would enjoy learning. For one is a new language of course. I have always wanted to learn French or Intalian. I could look at websites or even dictornaires for learning the new language. I would have to take time and have confidence in myself for the language.
Another skill I would like to learn is a muscial instrument. I would need a book of notes for the instrument. Learning an instrument would be at the top of my list most likely only because music is one of the big parts of my life, and somehow I can always relate to the song I listen to. The instrument I would like to learn is either piano or even the gutiar.
There are still many skills I would like to learn is Photography, Memory (have better memory like photographic memory), and Repair (changing tires, oil change, etc.)
DescriptionAppeal to emotion a logical fallacy characterized by the manipulation of the persons emotions in order to win an argument.