The two types of cases in the concurrent jurisdiction in civil cases and criminal cases.
Concurrent jurisdiction is defined as it allows the authority to hear the same cases in the one or more courts. In many cases a person can apply for the divorce he/she can get the sue in the lower district level court, family court or any one of the district court in the state.
In the united states federal courts and the state courts have concurrent jurisdiction to hear any types of the action. Such as bankruptcy, copyright, patent, maritime law cases.
<span>There were several reasons the gap between the rich and poor grew during the 1980s. Unions, which had always protected workers, were in decline. Also, the global economy was changing and growing causing stiff competition among workers for available jobs. A third reason was that there was a burst of growth in temporary jobs and part-time jobs.</span>
Laissez faire- government didn't regulate business nearly enough. Businesses could monopolize and jack up their prices. lack of government involvement is hurting america.
not too sure about business consolidates
big businesses becoming powerful- big business could swamp small businesses and raise their prices really high, but there would be no small businesses left for people to spend their money on a cheaper alternative
Reconciling with the south rather than punishing it