Complex sentence is a sentence that is comprises of one independent clause and at least one dependent clause.
A clause is a group of words that has both subject and verb.
An independent clause form a complete meaning while dependent clause does not form a complete meaning but depends on independent clause.
For example; She returned the laptop after she noticed it was damaged.
I'm thinking Huck Finn, and Of Mice and Men are similar, just by the dialogue, if not by the mannerisms of some of the characters.
I don't know if that answers the question but, hey; I tried. :-/
it makes you the waiter of the waiter
i have an answer from my own, i would say that if a student practices football they might not be able to have free time to do other activities such as hanging out with their family.
some coaches take football seriously even for middle schoolers, so they will force them to go to practice everysingle day.
I believe the answer is A.