Answer:Japan was allowed to be part of international defence blocs.
allowed the United States to use their bases in Japan
Was good for having a civilized army
Buddha said that people should live morally, compassionately, and peacefully. He also advised his followers to abide by the Eightfold Path (Right View, Right Resolve, Right Speech, Right Conduct, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, Right Concentration). Hope this helps.
The correct answer should be A: there is no single best career path.
Sure if you want to become an actor you have higher chances if you go to an acting school, for example, but there have been countless examples of non-schooled actors who just went to auditions or who worked as waiters and got seen in a restaurant and were hired. You should always keep your eyes open for all options.
It was very, very important for women to start working during the war because so many people were deployed that the demand for jobs in factories and other places was far higher than there were people available. Also, there were not enough women in the workforce at that time to fill those open positions. They filled many jobs in making supplies for war (that would normally be filled by men). Initially it was difficult to recruit the women (who were originally fitting the bill of "housewives"), and this is where those "We Can Do It" signs with "Rosie the Riveter" came about.