The origin story shows heroes born out of trauma, destiny or chance rising to a place of immortality.
In the predictability of our superheroes we find a stability and comfort that will keep them forever relevant.
Deep within the history of 20th century pop-culture, America has always had a fascination with our caped crusaders. Even if you do not call yourself a "comic book fan," the influence of superheroes on our culture is undeniable. Just their names alone (Superman, Batman, Spiderman and Captain America to name a few) bring with them an instant image of who they are and what they stand for.
Despite the ever-changing status we find ourselves in, superheroes are the exception to the rule. They are static, developmentally arrested, and selfless, and we love it.
The answers ten amendments
The Assyrians sought more land because their king wanted more control over trade routes
First Nations
Turtle Island is a name for the Earth or for North America, used by some US Indigenous and First Nations people and by some Indigenous rights activists.
My understanding was that Europeans called it Novus Mundus (New World) before it was called America. Before that "The Indies". Also, it was called New Spain. Of course, all the Native peoples had their own names in hundreds of languages, although not all had an idea of the geography of a whole continent.
hope it's correct