Well, I don't know what exactly it taught you, but for me it taught me a list of things:
- how to work cohesively with people with dramatically different ideas than me
- how to appreciate and participate in other cultures
- my actions and the results are dependent on me
- social systems are drastically different and are dependent on your cultural background
- There are universal human wishes and things with which you can bond
- the importance of social support, and the significance of belonging to a community
These are just a couple things I learned from moving cross-culturally throughout my life.
The Form 1040 is what individual taxpayers use to file their taxes with the IRS. The form determines if additional taxes are due or if the filer will receive a tax refund.
This is true because imports get shipped and get sold in many places
The answer is B. <u>Soviet missiles in Cuba put the U.S. in an extremely dangerous position</u>, in the case of the deflagration of nuclear war the proximity of USSR missiles risked a surprise attack and the destruction of U.S. infraestructure before they had time to mobilize.