In general, we can affirm that values focused on freedom and social well-being are what help to form the economic and political ideas of a person or party. However, freedom and social well-being are relative concepts that can be different between each individual. Many people associate these concepts with them and their peers and, therefore, seek to support parties that encourage these values in a more segregated and individualized way. Other people, however, have these values in a more humanistic way and seek to associate themselves with parties that share this type of thinking.
In this case, we can say that the values defended by political parties can shape people's thinking about a country's economy and politics. The problem with this, is that depending on the party, this mold can be harmful and harm people like me, who are part of social minorities, or even harm people who defend another type of thinking.
A warm water port means your ships can project power year round. The mission of a navy is to protect shipping lanes, or you won't have any economic strength. Projecting power year round lets you protect your own trade by keeping sea lanes open (these are called sea lines of communication, or SLOCs). You protect your trade and your allies. With a navy you can control trade to other countries and mount invasions.
<span>A conclusion is only as strong as its weakest premise. If it's weakest premise cannot be tested, then the conclusion that is based on that premise cannot be tested. Accordingly, that conclusion has an untestable truth value.</span>
Maturity is the alternative explanation or threat to internal validity for when a problem resolves itself over time and the change is not just the result of the intervention.
Maturity can be described as level of psychology functioning one can attain which afterwards doesn't increase with age.
There are mainly four type of maturities: physical, mental, spiritual and emotional. It can defined not by age but how you respond to a situation.
A few characteristics of maturity include taking responsibilities for one's own action and problems, self awareness, self control, humility, gratitude, self acceptance etc.
Physical maturity is when we learn to take care of our body and start to understand that physical health must be top priority. Emotional maturity is learning the fundamental trait of happiness, spiritual puts everything into perspective, mental is having courage, responsibilities and validity.
Learn more about maturity here:
Preliminary Investigation.
System Development Life Cycle is the process in which it is decided what to create, a hardware system only, a software system only or the combination of both.
There are six stages in System Development Life Cycle:
- Preliminary investigation
- System analysis
- System design
- System acquisition
- System implementation
- System maintenance
<u>The stage in which a feasibility study is done is the first stage, i.e. </u><u>Preliminary Investigation</u>.
Preliminary investigation <u>is the stage in which a company makes a crucial decision. A feasibility study is made in this stage, as to whether the project undertaken is technical and economical feasible or not. In this stage, the objective of the project is also set. Resources are analyzed if they are in the required amount or not. </u>
So, the correct answer is the Preliminary Stage.