TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! BE HONEST!! "Hello little one. It is I, your mother. Its been so long, you have grown so much. It hurts
me so, that I was never there, that I never cared. You look just like your father. Those soft gentle eyes, glowing in the light. You have my brain, strong and bold. Like a stallion running across rolling green fields. You have a heart of gold little one, it shines through like the sun. The purest soul, that of an angel. It glistens like the star-filled moon-lit night. You have lived a happy life, with your father and new mother. So tell me little one, why must you wear black? Why must you hide those eyes that glow in the light? That mind, racing through the wind? A heart of gold and the purest soul, those of an angel. Why must you hide those features? Why must you be so gloom? Set them free, let them loose. Let them glow in the light, run through the wind, shine like the sun, and glisten on a star-filled moon-lit night. For you are my son. Now, spread your wings and fly." -Katara Werme.