as we all know that language is very important to all of us ...each city .each country .each village has their own language. ..and from there each person has their language which called mother tongue. ...language is very important because if there is no language we can not communicate with each other ....and we will not able to know each other or if we are in struggle we will not able to get help because if we don't know language. ...its important in so many ways .. like we get help. .we can make friends. ..and we can do whatever we like and we can go where ever we like........
english is a language that you need to learn because you don't want to end up speaking german as german's are poop and english is what you call normal so speak properly before i smash ya face :)
You can recognize this spider by its white stripe markings on its legs and body. The aedes aegypti mosquito is also called the yellow fever mosquito. Unlike most mosquitoes it bites in daytime and indoors as well as outdoors. This mosquito also can carry dengue.