There are 20 different standard L-α-amino acids used by cells for protein construction. Amino acids, as their name indicates, contain both a basic amino group and an acidic carboxyl group. This difunctionality allows the individual amino acids to join in long chains by forming peptide bonds: amide bonds between the -NH2 of one amino acid and the -COOH of another. Sequences with fewer than 50 amino acids are generally referred to as peptides, while the terms, protein and polypeptide, are used for longer sequences. A protein can be made up of one or more polypeptide molecules. The end of the peptide or protein sequence with a free carboxyl group is called the carboxy-terminus or C-terminus. The terms, amino-terminus and N-terminus, describe the end of the sequence with a free α-amino group.
The amino acids differ in structure by the substituent on their side chains. These side chains confer different chemical, physical, and structural properties to the final peptide or protein. The structures of the 20 amino acids commonly found in proteins are shown in Figure 1. Each amino acid has both a one-letter and three-letter abbreviation. These abbreviations are commonly used to simplify the written sequence of a peptide or protein.
Depending on the side-chain substituent, an amino acid can be classified as being acidic, basic or neutral. Although 20 amino acids are required for synthesis of various proteins found in humans, we can synthesize only ten. The remaining 10 are called essential amino acids and must be obtained in the diet.
The amino acid sequence of a protein is encoded in DNA. Proteins are synthesized by a series of steps called transcription (the use of a DNA strand to make a complimentary messenger RNA strand – mRNA) and translation (the mRNA sequence is used as a template to guide the synthesis of the chain of amino acids which make up the protein). Often, post-translational modifications, such as glycosylation or phosphorylation, occur which are necessary for the biological function of the protein. While the amino acid sequence makes up the primary structure of the protein, the chemical/biological properties of the protein are very much dependent on the three-dimensional or tertiary structure.
Only 200 out of 2 000, 000 sperm cells reach the ovum. And only one (in exception to very rare cases of two) sperm cells actually participate in the process of fertilization. In comparison, an average female only produces 400 of egg cells during their lifetime, but the eggs cells are significantly larger than sperm cells.
it results in 2 exact copies of the original dna strand
The dna is unzipped and the two strands are used as templates for the 2 new dna molecules
the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment tend to survive and produce more offspring. The theory of its action was first fully expounded by Charles Darwin and is now believed to be the main process that brings about evolution.