The statement, "Presupposition is the prior knowledge that the speaker assumes the listener has that affects how the utterance is stated and what words are chosen." is true.
A presupposition (or PSP) in the pragmatics branch of linguistics is an implicit assumption about the world or background belief connected to an utterance whose veracity is assumed to be true in speech. For a speech to be regarded suitable in context, a presupposition must be mutually known or assumed by the speaker and listener. Whether the statement is made as an assertion, a denial, or an inquiry, it will typically still be a required assumption since it may be connected to a particular lexical word or grammatical construction (a presupposition trigger) in the statement.
Presupposition is when a speaker makes decisions about how to utter something and what words to use based on what they believe the listener already knows.
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Answer: (E) Payoff system
Explanation: With in-depth study into the meaning and scope of payoff system it has been noted that payoffs are gotten from various aspect of the negotiated agreement. From the Merriam-Webster dictionary pay off is seen as the act or occasion of receiving money or material gain especially as compensation
Answer: Should there be a picture or something??
Answer: C) Isaiah is a person with savant syndrome.
Savant syndrome refers to a condition in which a person with important mental disabilities shows special skills in which they excel, mostly associated with a massive memory.
An IQ under 70, such as the 65 that Isaiah has, makes him a person with an intellectual disability. However, his peculiar skill shows that he might have Savant syndrome.
Around 10% of people with autistic disorder have Savant syndrome at different levels, although it also appears in people with other developmental disabilities.