<span>Least Common Denominator (LCD) is the least number which all the denominators can divide without remainder. The given denominators are 2, 16 and 8. The least number 2, 16 and 8 will divide without remainder is 16. Therefore, to express the fractions 1/2, 3/12, and 7/8 with an LCD, we multiply both the numerator and the denominator of each of the fractions with a common factor that makes the denominator to be 16. Therefore, 1/2, 3/16 and 7/8 expressed with an LCD are (1 x 8) / (2 x 8), 3/16, (7 x 2) / (8 x 2) = 8/16, 3/16, and 14/16.</span>
I’ve attached my work below
Hope it helps!!
Hence the number of pages read by Lonnie is 16 pages when they read a combined of 36 pages.
Step-by-step explanation:
The table that can be formed by the rate at which they study the number of pages of a book is:
Fred Lonnie total
5 4 9
10 8 18
15 12 27
20 16 36
That means when they read a combined of 36 pages.
Then the number of pages read by Fred is 20 pages.
and the number of pages read by Lonnie is 16 pages.
Also it could be done as :
Let Fred reads 'x' pages.
so, the number of pages read by Lonnie is: (4/5)x
on solving this linear equation we have:
and (4/5)x=16
Hence the number of pages read by Lonnie is 16 pages when they read a combined of 36 pages.
This is a classic example of a 45-45-90 triangle: it's a right triangle (one angle of 90) & two other sides of the same length, which means two angles of the same length (and 45 is the only number that will work). With a 45-45-90 triangle, the lengths of the legs are easy to determine:
Where the hypotenuse corresponds to sqrt2.
Now, your hypotenuse is 10.
To figure out what each leg is, divide 10/sqrt2 (because sqrt2/sqrt2 = 1, which is a leg length in the explanation above).
Problem: you can't divide by radicals. So, we'll have to rationalize the denominator:
This can be rewritten:
Hope this helps!!