to conserve the scenery, natural and historic objects and wildlife within the parks and to “provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.
President Trump was born on June 14, 1946.
The Wampanoag Tribe was the first tribe that feasted with the pilgrims at the first thanksgiving.
Although plans for a Constitutional Convention were already under way, the uprising in Massachusetts led to further calls for a stronger national government and influenced the ensuing debate in Philadelphia that led to the drafting of the U.S. Constitution in the summer of 1787
By late 1942 during the World War II, the United States of America effectively countered German advantages in the Atlantic with subchasers.
A subchaser also known as a submarine chaser refers to a little but very fast naval vessel which was designed specifically for anti-submarine warfare during the World War I.
During the World War II by late 1942, the German submarines (U-boats) were destroyed by the U.S Navy subchasers in the Atlantic. The subchasers that was used by the U.S Navy were the SC-497 class and PC-461 class subchasers which had anti-aircraft guns and machine guns.