The correct answer to this is B) a designer handbag. This is not a commodity. A commodity is anything that is considered a raw material.
The correct answer to the following question is option D) all of the above statements A,B,C are correct .
Personal auto policy (PAP) is a pretty standardize policy design for auto insurance , where such policies provides coverage for medical payments , damage from both under insured and un insured motorists, for the liability and any damage to the vehicle. Under this policy any person who is injured by insured or insured himself or his family members and even any other person who is in possession of covered auto are all insured for receiving medical payments.
There are usually more positive than negatives when it comes to moving manufacturing from the United States to China. It's cheaper to pay wages in China for the same type of work that someone in America would expect to be paid. Not only can you pay the workers less, you can then afford to expand and hire more people due to saving the money on American wages. Usually, you can also get products cheaper in China and cut down the cost of your product. However, with cheaper labor and materials comes cheaper quality and the quality dropping may hurt consumers willingness to buy.
probably quality
if it's a bad quality I wouldn't buy and if its not animal cruelty free