i think the mistake is olone i think it is supose to be alone
Hello. You forgot to add the necessary text to answer this question. The text is:
“There are hundreds of children here…only they’re on the other side of the fence.’ A silence followed this remark, but it wasn’t like a normal silence where it just happens that no one is talking. It was a silence that was very noisy.”
Bruno refers to the silence as "noisy" because the silence was able to convey a message.
I did not go through any situation where the silence was awkward and heavy.
When Bruno states that the silence was noisy, he means that although nothing was being said, the silence passed a message and that was not a common message, it was a very clear message, easily understandable and a tense, frightening and negative message.
Situations in which the silence becomes noisy, are uncomfortable, stressful and fearful situations that cause people's anxiety and fear.
The Plan represented one of multiple early attempts to form a union of the colonies "under one government as far as might be necessary for defense and other general important purposes."
A. In a business cycle there are ups and downs. When there is a peak or a high business is booming and employment is high, unemployment is down and inflation is high.
B. We have to bear in mind that there are four kinds of unemployment: structural, frictional, cyclical and seasonal. Structural unemployment is caused by the type of production and rules of an economy that govern whose abilities are valued in the market so it is not so realated to the business cycle. frictional unemployment is linked with changing jobs ( workers are moving or searching for better opportunities) so this is not so related to the business cycle. Cyclical unemployment is related to the change in the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) so<u> it is related to the business cycle</u>, Seasonal employment is associated with changes in the season so it is no so related to the business cycle.