Yes and No
It really depends on how your teacher has the grade system set up. If tests and quizzes were 30% of your grade, and daily assignments were 50% and HW was 20%, then the classwork and homework, (if you have any for that class and don't turn it in) will essentially cancel out your assignments. But this is very dependant on how many assignments your missing and how many you have turned in, with a passing grade. I had this problem as well, I never did the homework and basically didn't turn in any work given to me, but passed every single test and quiz and passed with a high 70. The reason this happened was because tests were a higher percentage when it comes to grading, while the quizzes were counted as daily assignments (this was for APUSH). If your teacher has tests and quizzes as a higher grade percentage of lets say 40% while assignments were 50% and homework was 10%, if you passed all your tests and assignments, then your grade would go up, if the amount of missing assignments is lower than how many are graded. A 0 is worse than a 50, and a 50 is worse than a 70. If you start catching up and turn in all of your work, and even if its late, your grade would go up as long as you turn in all your work. However, if your teacher has grading percentages in a weird mix, you may want to ask for extra credit. It is just really dependant on how your teacher grades, but turn in that work and you should be fine for the most part!