Famous sea voyargers like Christoper Columbus and Ferdinand Mallegan were paid to go on these sea voyages to look for untouched land, new trades routes, as well as new foods, animals, or treasures. Columbus was sent out to find a trade route to India in order to buy prices and goods, but found the Americas, which the Spanish later colonized.
It taught people to move on
Hey there!
Unlike in Athens:
In Sparta, stealing was completely encouraged. People fought for food daily. Also, it was an oligarchy, and lots of people didn't have voting rights. Who could was a very selective and specific process. Additonally, women had more rights than in most other Greek city states, and could even own their own land. Boys had to fight people in barracks for usually over a decade, and then had to serve in the army.
Unlike in Sparta:
In Athens, boys were given a classical education and girls were left at home with their mothers to learn about how to take care of a family. A classical education included things like arithmetic, space, science, art, music, and much more. Boys, when they became adults, had to serve in the army for a short period of time, but then they could quit and then do what they desired with their lives.
Hope this helps!
C. is your answer there you go
because the world war 1 we won
that's why the reason