We must declare to all European powers that any attempt on their part to extend their system into North or South America will be seen as dangerous to our peace and safety
The purpose of the document was an attempt to resist the expansion of the government system at all cost.
If we consider the speech of Barack Obama, when he leaves the presidency of the United States of America, we will believe that there is reason to believe that democracy is threatened.
According to Obama, there are currently 3 threats to democracy, the first of which are forces such as terrorism, increased inequality and demographic changes that threaten the country's security, solidarity and prosperity, but these same forces also threaten democracy
. if opportunities are not created for all people in the country, division and dissatisfaction will only become clearer in the coming years, threatening democracy.
Obama also highlighted a second threat, which is the racial issue. "So if we're going to be serious about the racial issue, then we need to maintain anti-discrimination laws - in hiring, housing, education, and the criminal justice system." Said the former president who pointed out that only laws will not suffice to resolve the racial issue. "Hearts must change. It will not be a change overnight." Social attitudes sometimes take generations to change".
Obama also mentioned a third threat to democracy, which is when a group of similar people joins a bubble, be it a community, a church, a social network or a college, and that group brings together similar people with the same political vision. One person never questions the other's hypotheses.
Authoritarian rule can be or cannot be legitimate because existence of pure legitimacy is not possible
The legitimacy represents outspoken public loyalty and conformist mentality of a individual /group/organization which shapes the repressive administrative machinery to be of a high developed nature. This is not possible in authoritarian regimes which leverage to facilitate certain sects of the society like elite group.
However, in current time pure legitimacy is also not possible hence the concept of authoritative legitimacy is arising.
Simon Bolivar was a revolutionary, born in Venezuela, who liberated 6 countries in northern South America from Spanish forces sent by the then king of Spain, Bolivar traveled to Europe to ask Spain to withdraw its military forces from America, stop repressing the people and taking advantage of their wealth, but they ignored him, then he returned to South America from where he undertook a battle to free the countries, achieving the objetives and winning almost all of the fights.