First off, I would go for North Korea and ICBM's. It is highly dangerous for said totalitarian states to have WMD's.
Secondly, I would push the notion of Sudam Hussein supposedly having chemical WMD's during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
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well its weird to say but honestly it lead to the early victories because of the belief that they were the best plus it lead to a unification of germany.
a counter argument would be that it was the down fall of germany because they became to cocky leading to the war on both fronts which ultimatly defeated them, but honestly it was only hitler that thought he could continue to take russia in winter leading to the down fall.
so i would say that the totalotarian state was the cause of early victories not defeat.
Karl marx and his fellow writer Engel believed that revolution should start from below, by proletariat coming together, while Maoism recruited the urban population,red army and students. Marxism did not beleive in violent take over but maoism did, which led to him killing millions of people.