well if you look at it in a way blacks are still fighting for there equal rights through the storm of discrimination
A Chinese merchant sells goods in Europe. (APEX)
France had been in debt for decades and the royals were throwing parties and taxing the poor relentlessly and the poor had enough and started a revolution by storming the Bastille in 1789
The legislative branch is Established by Article 1 of the Constitution and consist of the House of Representatives and Senate. The most important function of the legislative branch is to make laws. Legislative branch powers also include impeaching officials (Senate), originating spending bills (house), approving treaties (Senate) and passive laws.
They followed animals and found a good place to live.
People migrated from Asia to the Americas because they followed animals and found a good place to live.
Historians and archeologist think that after the last ice age, a natural frozen bridge allowed people from Asia to cross to America through the Bering Strait. The strait separates Russia from Alaska by 58 miles. Because the territory was frozen, humans in that time could follow animal herds to hunt them and feed their families