Fingerprints were used by Chinese and Babylonians as business transactions to show some sort of validation
Control a heavily desired or needed supply/luxury that is only known to exist in 1 part of the world, and you have a monopoly on it, and you can control the price to your liking, and other countries can't do anything about it, so if they want it, they'll have to pay the price you set.
Han in the Xiongnu were several of the battles from "133 BC to 89 AD". During the reign of the WU emperor where the Han Chinese won over the Xiongnu, before these battles the Xiongnu were a nomadic group that reigned in modern Mongolia.
During these battles political instability was generated, producing that the state of Xiongnu was divided in 2 parts and had crisis of successions, having massive revelations between its towns the Wusun, Wuhuan and Dingling.
In 60 BC Han China established the protectorate in the western regions beginning the decline of the Xiongnu reign.
I hope it helps you
46 years old
Marsha P. Johnson lived from August 24, 1945–July 6, 1992. That's 46 years.