Answer & Explanation:
The formula in the cell B7 would be:
And now we will press "Ctrl+C" to copy the formula in the Cell B7. After copying we will select the cell range C7 to D7 and press "Ctrl+V" to paste this formula in the cell C7:D7 and then will press Enter key. Now what we see is results in C7:D7 which we can check in our calculator whether these are corectly calculated or not.
I said CLI.
''A command-line interface (CLI) processes commands to a computer program in the form of lines of text.''- Wikipedia
in order to deploy a website, you use these 5 steps, the first step is the preparation step, the second step is to set up DNS record, in step 3 a live testing is set up, in step 4 you set up email accounts while in step 5, you back up and now go live.
in order to secure your website from any threat, malware it hacker it it is necessary to use HTTPS. HTTPS, protects the websites integrity. it also provides data protection as data encryption provides such security. parameterized queries can also be used.
sum of 10 natural number is 55