The fore limbs has the (humerus, ulna, radius, carpals, metacarpals), and digits. While the hind limbs characteristics are the (femur, patella, fibula, tibia, tarsals, metatarsals), and digits.
D) All of the above
That's why we're called Carbon-Based Lifeforms
a. bubbles formed
Bubbles are a sign of gaseous molecules escaping, meaning that something has forced molecules to break apart and escape. A chemical reaction involves any change that directly impacts the molecular formation of a substance.
<h2>Scientist Observing changes </h2>
If the population of the species is significantly decreasing then the species could become extinct. The decline in population is due to some factors like less immigration, aging, and decreasing fertility rates. But the most is due to less immigration which causes to decrease population. The extinction of population can be prevented by some serious actions which should be taken government.