C) a decreased focus on manufacturing
The shift from Jin to Song Dynasty between 1200 and 1450 led to an increase in population, a focus in agriculture and a decreased focus on manufacturing.
Oct 21, 2005 — History & Archaeology ... As the Civil War ended in early May 1865, Georgia's Confederate governor, ... Voters repudiated most Unionist candidates and elected to office many ... Along with its crippled agrarian economy, Reconstruction Georgia ... White Georgians looked askance at many of these changes
Bhutan's modern period began in 1907 when Ugyen Wangchuck (reign: 1907-1926) became the first hereditary King and uniting the country. Then, 1914 saw the inception of modern education when 46 boys travelled oversees to study at mission school in Kalimpong, India (Tandin Wangmo & Kinga Choden,1 2011, p. 445).
It is 270 needed out of a possible 538 since 1964