D. Each region established its own ''iron curtain'' to protect its interests
After the World War II, Western and Eastern Europe quickly diverged because of their politics. While the West was promoting democracy and market economy, the East was promoting communism and command economy. The strategic interests were intermingled, which led to lot of tensions, so there was a sharp division with artificial political boundary that was separating the two. As both sides were trying to spread their ideologies, but were also afraid of the influence of their opponent, they set ''iron curtains'' resulting in isolation between the two on pretty much every level.
The Ku Klux Klan was founded at the end of the United States Civil War to repress the rights and freedoms of African Americans. Even after 150 years, it is still an active, domestic terrorist organization.
Answer. The ssdp a necessity in the context of Nepal in the following ways: Access to basic and secondary schools improved. This output will help implement a revised pro-poor scholarship program in all 75 districts, and will include targeted interventions for girls to take up secondary science education
Totalitarianism is a political regime in which the government is authoritarian, nationalist, anti-democratic, and militaristic. The State has enormous powers that encompass all sectors of citizens' lives, including education, leisure, and the exercise of citizenship.