The "Mandate of Heaven" is an ancient Chinese philosophical concept, which originated during the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BCE). The Mandate determines whether an emperor of China is sufficiently virtuous to rule; if he does not fulfill his obligations as emperor, then he loses the Mandate and thus the right to be emperor.There are four principles to the Mandate:
1) Heaven grants the emperor the right to rule,
2) Since there is only one Heaven, there can only be one emperor at any given time,
3) The emperor's virtue determines his right to rule, and,
4) No one dynasty has a permanent right to rule.
Hope this helps!
These benefits included forgiveness of debts and interest payments, protection of property and family, even different courts of justice for those crusaders who commit criminal acts.
The company towns reinforced it by having special wages for people of different ethnicity or by racially profiling and segregating those that they didn't want to be equal with Caucasian workers. This caused an even bigger drift between people and distrust to arise.
The theory of social Darwinism differs greatly from the work of Andrew Carnegie, since the theory that was used, argued two types of races one cultural and one wild and that by natural selection the second will disappear, while Carnegei dedicated his life to being a philanthropist convinced to help the most disadvantaged, giving economic support to thousands of people and generating aid that the natural selection raised by Darwin does not generate society
Citizens value their property.