By giving them a new way of of living by having domesticated animals and also living in one place this also ment that they stopped hunting and gathering for their food
All motown acts were subjected to "charm school" to help singers develop proper etiquette of performing on stage, presenting themselves in front of the public and how to talk to the media.
Many of these singers came from poor backgrounds and had a rough upbringing. For example, the Jackson 5 did not know much about city life, business or popular music in general.
They had to be taught the 'social graces' which many of their audiences expected from them and loved them for.
There were certain things they had to wear, certain things they could not say and certain mannerism they had to adopt to project a popular and likeable image.
Persia went to war with Athens because before 490 B.C there was a riot in Persia and Athens send troops over to Persia to help the rebellion when the rebellion was defeated so what is why Persia went to war with not just Athens but the hole of greece