A. IS INCORECT because it needs to be changed to AFFECT.
B. IS INCORECT because it also needs to be AFFECT.
<u>C. IS CORRECT</u> because it properly uses EFFECT in a scentence.
D. IS INCORECT because it needs to be changed to AFFECT.
Most of the time, you'll want affect as a verb meaning to influence something and effect for the something that was influenced. The difference between affect and effect is so slippery that people have started using "impact" as a verb instead. Don't be one of them! -coppied from google if you choose to use this please dont copy it word for word! thanks
Frodo has displayed going on the journey, for one, and also gathering up the courage to fight for his friends, the getting the mindset to throw the ring into the volcano
1. think about if someone said that to you? would you be hurt or okay with it? that's how you see if it's negative or positive.
2. ask people, put pieces together