People would most likely live in the dark green and the light green regions because they are fertile and are along the coast of the Mediterranean, where there is a humid climate, so rain would be common. For example, people would be more likely to live in Lebanon, than say, Iran because Lebanon is more fertile and has more moisture than Iran, which has a mostly semiarid and arid climate.
Which of the following societal decisions might result from the ecocide hypothesis about Easter Island? Policies and practices must be put into place to ...
Because its the largest city in its country or its region
The answer is A.
Zionism is a national movement dedicated to re-establishing a Jewish national homeland in Palestine. It emerged as a response to the antisemitic campaigns happening in the late 19th century. Theodor Herzl is the founder of the Modern Zionist movement.
The one that is blue is a hotter star
When studying the temperature of a star, the scientists first look for color. If the color is more reddish, it’s cooler; if it’s yellow/orange, it is a warmer star; and if it’s a blue star, it’s a hot star