who's that?? I can't tell if I'm breaking the rules or not lol
- fragmenting states
- artificial landmasses
There are several ways a new state could form even if all of Earth's land was allocated to current nations. One of the possibilities is that a current state fragments to form two (or more) smaller states.
Another possibility is that nations construct artificial landmasses or habitable platforms in the oceans that are independent countries. Finally, in the future it may be possible to settle the continent of Antarctic if the Antarctic Treaty is ever not renewed.
By the change of environment, use sensory organs
B. Their predators have been killed by the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction
The mammals and the avian dinosaurs were small creatures, living in the shadows of the dinosaurs which dominated the world, but also were stopping the further increase in size and development of these animals. At the end of the Cretaceous though, an asteroid struck the Earth. The impact was so hard and devastating that it managed to destroy the dinosaurs and wipe them out of the face of the Earth, with the only dinosaurs remaining being the small avian species. Since lots of niches opened up and where free for taking in the ecosystem, the mammals and the avian dinosaurs quickly started to evolve, diversify, and become much larger. The mammals seem to won the race for dominance as they have become the most dominant species on the planet.