It gave them a sense of regularity
A compromise tariff bill was passed in 1833
The tariffs bills of 1828 and 1832 had so outraged the south that the state of South Carolina threated to succeed from the Union and John C. Calhoun resigned as vice president of the United States.
The tariffs of 1828 had raised import duties to 62% of the value of the imports. These duties applied to 92% of all imports. The tariffs were designed to protect factories in the Northern states from competition from England and other European countries.
The results of these import taxes were devastating to the South. England could not afford to buy as much Southern Cotton. The South had to import almost everything as there was little manufacturing in the south. Cost went up by almost 50% and income went down. The money raised by these taxes was spent mainly in the North on railroads, roads and canals to help northern industry.
Compromise of 1850
North Gets South Gets
California admitted as a free state No slavery restrictions in Utah or New Mexico territories
Slave trade prohibited in Washington D.C. Slaveholding permitted in Washington D.C.
Texas loses boundary dispute with New Mexico Texas gets $10 million
Fugitive Slave Law
He Refused to criticize democrats for using his vote against the civil rights act to attack him and he feared Race would be a major issue during the election