Messiah- Someone regarded as a savior or liberator of people
Infanticide- The practice of killing newborn babies or infants
Chattel- A type of slavery where the enslaved person is the sole property of the master
Triumvirate- A group of three people who jointly share authority or power
Plebeian- One of the ordinary citizens of Rome
Patrician- A member of an aristocratic family in Rome
Syncretism- Philosophy that attempts to combine different systems of beliefs or practices
Your welcome
Good eye contact enables the message sender to see whether a receiver is paying attention, showing respect, responding favorably, or feeling distress. Good eye contact reveals the speaker's sincerity, confidence, and truthfulness. The expression on a person's face can be almost as revealing of emotion as the eyes.
The Whiskey Rebellion. You may remember that the Whiskey Rebellion occurred during Washington’s presidency when he led the US army right into Pennsylvania.
Hope I could help!
The assassin of President Garfield was a disgruntled office seeker. Arthur believed the Pendleton Act's merit system would prevent similar retaliations by unqualified spoils system applicants.