All of the above
Being a good parent is keep a child safe
Money influences the political system because the more money you have your name will be recognized in politics and this will help you win an election. Money buys you acess to chiefs, congress senators and other staff when you have a problem. Sometimes money can help buy you into the political position you want.
It is the scientific study of the measurements and proprtions of the human body
Britain was responsible for external matters like foreign affairs, trade, Native American affairs. To the colonists, the Stamp Act violated their right not to be taxed without representation; it undermined the independence.
Concrete operational
Piaget was a psychologist who developed a theory on cognitive development from birth to adolescence according to which people go through different stages in their process of thinking developing a more mature and rational thinking as they grow.
One of the stages of this development is called the Concrete Operational stage and it takes place during the ages of 7 to 11. During this stage children start using logic as a way of thinking and start realizing how other people feel and view different situations (and therefore they are less egocentric). One of the main milestones of this period is the development of the concept of conservation: They start understanding that when we take some liquid from a container and move it to a different container, the amount of liquid remains the same, for example.
Therefore, it is in the Concrete Operational stages where a child would have just developed the ability to conserve.