The treelike fibers that receive information and send it toward the neuron's cell body are called Dendrite
Dendrite:- They are tree like projections generally the extension of nerve cell which helps in the transmission of nerve impulses or electrochemical stimulation from one neuron to another. It is also known as dendrons. For neurons to become active they need some action potential, these action potentials are received in the form of nerve impulses or electrochemical stimulation by dendrite and is been stored in the cell body, or soma, of the neuron. Dendrites are covered by synapses (Structure that permit neural transmission).
I hate to ask and sound stupid, but the drug or the basic chemical?
Pugs appear to be ugly due to them being bred deformed by design, harboring a condition called brachycephaly.
C- Section, also known as a caesarean section.
Increase in urbanization will lead to increase in the number of people who are living in an urban area and it will also lead to increase in development in that area. The increase in development can come in form of construction of industries, which release large amount of waste products that pollute the air. This will lead to air pollution and reduce air quality. Development can also be in form of availability of electricity, that makes it possible for people to operate different electrical gadgets such as radio and television, which can result in noise pollution. Increase in the number of people who operate motor vehicles will also lead to increase in air pollution, which is caused by fossils fuel.