6x^2 + 3xy - 2xy +y^2
6x^2 + xy + y^2
Caribbean people are the people born in or inhabitants Caribbean region or people of Caribbean descent living outside the Caribbean.
Developed Countries: Developed Countries have advanced economies, good infrastructure, and a high standard of living. Their markets will be highly regulated and high per capita income.
Emerging Countries: These countries will have a developing and manufacturing base with rudimentary infrastructures. Emerging countries are the suppliers of natural resources to the more advanced and developed countries. Their per capita income would be low as compared to developed nations.
Developing Countries: Developing countries economies are the same as the emerging countries.
The answer is Portugal. The Eastern Europen countries that lie in the Balkan peninsula are Balkan states. Portugal is located in the West of Europe. Balkan countries are located in the southeastern of Europe; composed of 12 countries. These states are close to the Black Sea. The Northern boundary of the peninsula varies (hence also the number of states considered Balkan) especially influenced by historical and political connotations. This is why Turkey is also considered Balkan country.