When looking at untrustworthy narration, as in the case of Holden and A Catcher in the Rye, it is important to look for inconsis
tencies in action, thought and speech. In this case, examine what Holden is thinking and how Holden is interacting and speaking to other characters in the novel. Find an example in the text in chapters 14 - 17 of an inconsistency and explain what this inconsistency may suggest about Holden's character.
Holden was narrating the story in a confusing and untrustworthy manner because he also was not sure who he was really talking about. He clearly did not want to put blame on a single person. It was also the author's intention to confuse the readers to give the twist at the end more striking.
At the beginning of the play, Ophelia is devoted and kind; she acts exactly what her family orders her to do. Then, Hamlet's unusual behavior and Polonius's death cause Ophelia to go insane. She becomes disoriented and starts behaving oddly. Presently, her insanity leads to her destruction.
Food is made mostly based off of what you have in your region. So people living in jungles may have somethings people who live in deserts don't. Food is a very unique thing in human culture that's why it's so important.