A. By citing an example of civil disobedience by everyday people,King shows that civil disobedience can be necessary and productive.
The basis of civil disobedience theory is accepting the moral responsibility of the individual to disobey unjust laws. King used civil disobedience as a method to effectuate the government for change. It resulted into a large-scale, non-violent refusal by the people towards obeying government commands. He had the courage and bravery to protest against discrimination and promoted love and truth through the acts of Civil Disobedience although the protests and speeches caused great danger to him and his family.
The election of 1800 was fiercely contested and facilitated the rise of the two-party system and bitter partisanship.
Upon entering office, Jefferson focused on reducing the national debt he had inherited from his predecessors. His administration lowered excise taxes while slashing government spending. Additionally, the Jefferson administration reduced the size of the Navy, ultimately bringing the national debt down from $83 to $57 million. Foreign developments, however, including the intensification of piracy along the Barbary Coast, would necessitate the rebuilding of the Navy and its establishment as a permanent part of the US government.
Jefferson dealt with two major challenges to US authority: piracy along the Barbary Coast of North Africa, and British impressment, which resulted in Jefferson instating a mass embargo of European goods, the Embargo Act of 1807.
Jefferson authorized the Louisiana Purchase, which effectively doubled the territory of the United States.
I think the greatest reward is the knowledge that he or she has discharged the duty faithfully, honorably, and well!
Have a nice day,And good luck!!!