When we did the intervention we also set ourselves up for disaster due to putting a border on Mexico making it more attractive to come illegally thru America and we deport alot of them what's hypocritical about that is if we had not put a border and not Intervened into Mexicos business, America and Mexico would have hashed out a proper plan and have made the legal idea of moving to America the only reason to go there.
I don't concur with the statement above since individuals needed to rely upon each other for specific things like water system and exchanging. Religions said things should be held together through peace. Rulers accepted to be ethically in charge of their subjects.
The primary cause for the Boston Massacre was that patriots in Boston started throwing things such as rocks and sticks at British soldiers, which caused the soldiers to fire into the crowd. The most significant result was that it helped rally the colonists around the Revolutionary cause.
Abolitionist was name was given to a person who opposed slavery.
Communication is a key factor and as well as new transport made it easier for heavier, faster and more reliable trade between even more distant cultures